Friday 7 April 2017


Hi Folks, some work to keep you entertained over next week and the Easter break. If you can please complete these on your blogs. At the bottom of this post is a helpful video with analysis.

Section A: Textual Analysis and Representation (Unseen moving image extract) 
  • You will be allowed two minutes to read the question for Section A before the extract is screened. 
  • The extract will be screened four times. 
  • First screening: watch the extract; you must not make notes. 
  • Second screening: watch the extract and make notes. 
  • There will be a brief break for note-making. 
  • Third and fourth screening: watch the extract and make notes. 
  • There will be a brief break for note-making after the third and fourth screening

  • Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of ETHNICITY using the following: 
    • camera shots, angle, movement and composition 
    • editing
    • sound
    • mise-en-scène. 

Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of REGIONAL IDENTITY using the following: 
• camera shots, angle, movement and composition 
• editing
• sound
• mise-en-scène. 

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